Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Years ago, inspired by my family and a stack of cook books, I started a blog about learning to cook.  I did a horrible job of keeping it updated, and it did eventually slip away from me in the everyday hassle of work and life.

Fast forward to today and life has changed immeasurably.  Hubby and I bought a house, we started a family (and later this year will add another member to it), he changed jobs and just before Christmas, after tackling twelve months of juggling work and a toddler, I lost mine.

I'm still floored by how hard that hit me.  Rationally I knew I wasn't happy at work, I didn't feel like I was giving the best I could in the office, or at home with my toddler (which is something which rings true with a lot of working parents - never feeling like you're doing 'enough').  So really, knowing that I could give up one, without completely crippling my little family financially, should have been a no-brainer.  But it wasn't.  It still isn't.  Redundancy is an awful monster that can't be appreciated until it happens to you.  No matter what justification is given, it's still personal to YOU.  And I don't like not contributing.  I don't like the idea that I spent years (and thousands of dollars) on an education and a career, just to let it slip away.  But I don't like the idea of missing the fabulous (and sometimes not so fabulous) moments of my children's childhoods slip away either.

So over the Christmas break I made a decision.  It's time to slow down.  It's time to play.  It's time to make our family house a home, and not just somewhere Hubby and I collapse after another day of the daycare, office, daycare run.  It's time to say 'yes' more.

Come on in.  Pull up a chair, or throw on an apron.  Let's get our hands dirty.

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